22 janvier 2009

Being a mom and an artist !

I so hoped I could make the tree from my ‘Marseille L’Estaque’ the past evenings but…
I sometimes ‘forget’ I also have a DH and 3 DC. The 2 girls (22 and 19) had decided that their mom had to be a fulltime mom in the evenings. They wanted nice food (this is for DH), they wanted many, many hugs, they wanted me watching TV with them.
My son (almost 21) finished his last exams and came home after a month of absence and he wanted his dad and mom for him alone – understandable – before he goes to London for some days.
For three days -during my free time- I was a fulltime mom. I have the feeling that, the older the children get the better they know how to ‘manipulate’ their mom. They are getting you on your feelings…
If I really wanted, I would have say that I wanted to sew and be busy in my studio but I let them decide of my free time for some days.

“D'you call life a bad job? Never! We've had our ups and downs, we've had our struggles, we've always been poor, but it's been worth it, ay, worth it a hundred times I say when I look round at my children. “
W. Somerset Maugham

Write you soon

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Peut-être tu comprendras le Français...parce que sincèrement, ce que j'écris en Français est bien meilleur et plus intéressant qu'en anglais ( que je peux lire !!!)

Les enfants sont extraordinaires ( 5 à la maison...)et ton article me rajeunit...Ils ont tous besoin de nous à des moments particuliers...c'est toujours immédiatement et ça ne peut jamais attendre...
Je me souviens d'une de mes filles qui venait régulièrement me parler
lorsque je ...prenais mon bain !!Elle savait que je ne pourrais pas aller ailleurs et que nous pourrions avoir une longue conversation !!!Adorable.
J'aime ton blog et y viens régulièrement.Nicole