13 mars 2009


Worked a little on my “Creative Sketchbooks” exercises.
I made some painted papers. I used – for this time- brown parcel paper and inspired me – for the colours - on this animal picture :
This is the result :
Every couple of pictures is a before and after picture.

That’s all I did since I finished “Marseille V”. I feel a bit lost for now. I was thinking that I would be able to start/continue some sewing project but the contrary is true. I have to empty my head from the “Marseille V” and then reload my batteries for a next project !
We’ll see !

Tomorrow I go to Bruges with my youngest for the open school day and I will take my camera with. The school where she goes is a fantastic huge old “house building” with some wonderful arcades and an inside garden.

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.
Action always generates inspiration.
Inspiration seldom generates action. "
Frank Tibolt

Write you soon

1 commentaire:

septembermom a dit…

Beautiful colors. I find this quote to be very interesting. I like the idea of action spurring the artistic inspiration. We don't need to wait for our Muse. Live life fully, and hopefully, the ideas will arrive. Glad to visit your blog today!